We are flexible and offer a variety of grooming services to better accommodate you and your pet's needs.

When making your first appointment, please make sure you know your dog’s weight.

Bath Package

Extra Small 0 -7lbs
Small 7 - 20lbs
Medium 20 - 40lbs
Large 40 - 75lbs
Extra Large 75-150lbs
Be sure of your dog's weight before booking a service.
  • De-shedding/de-matting (Maximum of 15min spent on this service)
    Anal gland expression (if requested)
    Bath with warm water with only the highest quality shampoos and conditioners
  • Nail Trim (Dremel or clipper)
  • Ears cleaned and trimmed (gentle swabbing with cleaning solution)
    Eyes cleaned and hair trimmed
  • Face and paw hair trimmed
    Brushing: We use breed-specific brushes and combs to maintain a healthy coat
    Blow Dry: Gentle low-temperature drying to reduce stress, de-shed, and untangle.
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Sensitive skin (Oatmeal shampoo, conditioner and others).


If your dog's coat is completely matted, we may change an additional fee for treatment.


Hidralux (Top brand-shampoo, conditioner, and detangling products that reduce dryness, prevent mats and make the fur very soft and shiny.


Flea Package (flea shampoo and flea removal)


Teeth Brushed/Electric Power Irrigator with UV. Sanitizer


Nail Polish


Nose and Paws (Add a moisturizing product that prevents drying and cracking)


Premium Bows & Paws Accessories for dogs: Hair bows,
bandanas, ties, etc.

price varies

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Areas Of Service

For more detais, visit our booking page on exact availability and to verify if you are within our areas of service.

Bay Area on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

East bay on Mondays, Tuesdays and Fridays.